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I’ve been really looking for something that will help unleash my creativity since that’s the primary reason I created this blog, and I recently stumbled upon The One-Minute Writer, where they give daily prompts that are pretty flexible as to what you can write about. So here’s my attempt, I will try to write something on most of the days that they post prompts for. And alright, I’ll admit that I did not write this all in sixty seconds, because this is my first time, so today it’ll just have to be the three-minute writer.

Day 1: Someone Who Has It All Together.

My dad is perfect. You think I’m not kidding, but I’m not. Sure, he refuses to ask for help with anything, and he has a knack for sharing my most embarrassing moments in front of everyone, but those are just moot points. They pale in comparison to his strengths.

He is the most confident person on Earth, and there is no one I know who reads more than him. He’s always worked himself sick, but it wasn’t just to give his children everything they needed; he worked so hard to show us all the value of hard work. He never liked going on vacation without his kids, asking instead why he should want to escape us. He’s shown me unconditional love, the love of a man who was born to be a father.

I’m sure there are many people more tangibly successful than my dad, but I’d pick him over them any day.

What about you? Who do you know who has it all together? Tell me about them in the comments section. 🙂 And don’t forget to join me over at The One-Minute Writer!